Dussehra Festival
Hindus throughout India celebrate Dussehra Festival, although by different names. Also known as Vijaya Dashmi (‘Vijay’ meaning ‘victory’ and ‘Dashmi meaning ‘tenth day’), Dussehra festival has a number of legends associated with it. It is believed that it was on this day that Lord Rama killed the demon king Ravana and took over his empire, Lanka. In the Bengal area, Dussehra is believed to be on that day when Goddess Durga annihilated the evil demon Mahisasura. In essence, the festival of Dushehra signifies the conquest of good over evil.
The festival of Dussehra is celebrated with much fervor and gusto . It falls approximately twenty days before the festival of Diwali. Vijay Dashmi celebrations are incomplete without the famous Ramlila (enactment of the great epic Ramayana). Ramlilas start a few days before Dussehra and culminate on the day of the festival. After the final act of the Ramlila gets over, huge effigies of Ravana, Kumbhakaran and Meghnath are burnt as mark of the destruction of evil. Lots of fireworks are visible as the effigies are burnt, signifying the festival of Dussehra.